
The purpose of any Christian Church is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through Worship, Bible Education and Ministry.

Ministry is defined in the dictionary as “the act of serving.” In the church, that service can be directed in a multitude of ways. Lakeside Christian Fellowship has ministries that are focused internally to support the ongoing needs of the church body while other ministries focus outside ourselves to the community, the nation and the world.

Lakeside Christian Fellowship New Member Care ministry focuses on guests and new members to ensure that they feel welcome and have all questions and concerns about the church answered to their satisfaction.

The Congregational Care ministry is focused on providing for the spiritual needs of the church through Prayer Chains and support to members and friends of the church who are in need of spiritual, physical or emotional help.

Our Christian Education ministry focuses on encouraging members and visitors alike to engage in Bible Study through the Christian Women’s Fellowship, the Men’s Fellowship and small group gatherings throughout the community.

Worship is where our focus is on God. The Worship ministry is responsible for having the sanctuary ready for any service and ensuring that all objects used in the service are handled with the care and respect dictated by church tradition.

The Hospitality/Fellowship ministry is focused on creating and sustaining a strong sense of community in the fellowship by organizing activities that appeal to the entire spectrum of church members and encourages them to reach out to each other.

The Music Ministry is a big part of our church because we enjoy making a “Joyful Noise”. We have a gifted choir that enhances our worship service each week. The choir is open to anyone who would like to lend his or her voice.

Of course to keep all of the parts of the church functioning well, we need volunteers. The Volunteer Resources ministry keeps track of all of the skills and spiritual gifts of the members and helps to match the right person up with the right job.

And then there are essential ministries that are almost invisible but which contribute greatly to the well being of the church. These might include maintenance of the buildings and grounds, running the audio and video systems during worship service, or putting together the newsletter and bulletins.

There is much to do in the church and lots of opportunities for your personal ministry.