
Reverend Rick Waters

Rev. Rick Waters,

Our Pastor is the Rev. Rick Waters who has been a faithful Minister for over thirty years. Rick and his lovely wife Sharon are dedicated to serving the church and are exemplary role models of what it means to be a Christian.


Reverend Chuck Smith

Rev. Chuck Smith,
Minister of Outreach and Ministry

Chuck has been a member of our community for many years. Chuck was Associate Pastor in Lago Vista and was Pastor at a church in Victoria, Texas before coming back to Lago Vista. Chuck and his wife Emma are excited to be “home” and part of our fellowship. Chuck’s extensive experience and his passion for sharing the Good News in ministries of service will make all who meet him motivated to serve.

Armor Lee Gardner

Armor Lee Gardner,
Director of Music

Mrs. Gardner spent 31 years teaching elementary music in Louisiana & Texas. She was the Associate Minister of Music at Houston’s South Main Baptist Church, spent 6 years as choir director at Rolling Hills Community Church and was the founding Choir Director here at Lakeside Christian Fellowship.

Dr. Louis Hughston
Dr. Louis Hughston,


Dr. Louis Hughston has been the accompanist for Lakeside Christian Fellowship since February, 2012. He is currently on the staff of Ballet Austin as a collaborative pianist. He has two CD’s one of Broadway Show Tunes and one of Christian Hymns.

Linda Anderson,

Church Administration

Linda has been serving churches and other non-profit organizations in this area for over 25 years.  She has been with Lakeside Christian Fellowship since 2009 and helped with their organization.

