
Giving is the key element in our discipleship at Lakeside Christian Fellowship. When we become members we pledge to give our time, our talent and our gifts to the church. We do that through service, outreach and donations. We provide opportunities for members and guests to give in whatever manner they like. We support the Hill Country Ministries which provides food and clothing to needy families in Central Texas by keeping a barrel at the rear of the Worship Center where you may drop gifts of canned goods, cereal and peanut butter. Some of our members volunteer their time to work in the HCM food bank.

Our Women’s Christian Fellowship has provided Love packages to our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our Pastor has worked with the homeless in downtown Austin. And our members volunteer to work in the Caritas soup kitchen. Through our “Men In Trucks” ministry, our Men’s Fellowship has provided handyman and moving help to families in the community. We invite you to join us in giving in whatever area is of interest to you.

Find A Charity

As a church, we pool tithes and offerings together to support faith-based non-profit organizations like those listed above and our own Faith In Action Ministry shown under the Outreach (click to link) tab; however, it you desire to support a charity on your own, there are two web sites that research charities to ensure that they are legitimate and that they use donations in the way in which they were intended. If you want to learn about a specific charity go to one or both of these web sites: