
Lago Vista/Jonestown/N.S. Resources

The attached document provides resources in this area to assist in time of need.  North Shore Resources

 Alzheimers Support Group

The North Shore Alzheimer’s Support group meets twice a month on the first and third Thursdays. The first Thursday meeting is at 7pm and the third Thursday we meet at 10:30am. Having a day and night meeting helps us to meet the needs of those wanting support. The meetings are to be held in our Fellowship Center. Donna Nash, Dave Freeman and Rev. Chuck Smith serve as facilitators. We encourage others who would like to take a leadership role to do so. Please call the church office at 512-267-1700 if you would like to participate as a caregiver receiving support or perhaps helping as a facilitator in group discussions.  Our meetings are open to caregivers from the entire community.

We focus on the caregiver in a caring, supporting and confidential manner.  What is said regarding individual circumstances stays confidential.

North Shore Cancer Support Group

A cancer diagnosis can bring serious feelings of vulnerability to whole families. In addition to the need for understanding of the medical issues there is need for physical, emotional as well as spiritual support. Cancer support group members bring with them a compassionate understanding of the confusion and turmoil that both patients and caregivers have to deal with. Within the group we have members who have dealt with cancers of every form and every level of malignancy. Meetings are open to the entire community.

Participants are welcome to share their stories and concerns, and they are encouraged to do so at their own level of comfort. But sharing is only part of our meeting content. Professional speakers such as oncologists, nutritionists and physical therapists are brought in to discuss specific subject matter and to answer members questions. Additionally our group facilitators have extensive backgrounds in group dynamics as well as medical care.

If you or any member of your family are dealing with cancer, please join us. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Call Shirley Sherwood at 512-423-4023 for more information.

Faith In Action

As part of our Faith In Action ministry, we support a number of faith-based non-profit organizations that serve the surrounding community.  They are:  Samaritan’s Health Ministry, Hill Country Community Ministry, Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN), Hope Street Austin, Heroes Night Out, and Lago Vista Blue Santa.  In addition we select and provide Thanksgiving dinner boxes to those in need and provide school supplies for teachers to use in their classrooms.  (Link to Giving)

 Men In Trucks

The Men in Trucks ministry began as an outreach to the members of our church as a means of helping people move within the community.  It has grown to include helping members donate appliances and large furniture to other agencies.  As part of outreach the Men in Trucks assisted with cleanup following the recent fires in the central Texas area.  We are committed to helping people in the community who cannot afford moving and cleanup services whenever the need arises

Disaster Relief Ministry

Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) is a Christian-based network of churches who have banded to gather to provide volunteer services in the event of a natural disaster. The network provides physical, mental, and spiritual assistance to victims in time of need by churches in the network “adopting” a family or families in time of need as well as volunteering to help at the point of crisis.

Each church in the network has a Disaster Relief Coordinator (DRC). The DRC will be responsible for rounding up and coordinating efforts from this church to the network. Currently Rev. Chuck Smith is the acting DRC. If God is calling you to this ministry, call Rev. Smith at 267-1700.

To become a volunteer and receive credentialing (badge) requires three hours of free training. It is important if you want to be a part of providing assistance during and immediately following a disaster to get this training so that you will have a badge that is accepted by law enforcement.

We need volunteers to become Disaster Relief Shepherds (DRS). This is extremely important and LCF could use as many as are able. As stated earlier, one of the ways that we can help is to provide a means whereby a family can be helped not only at the time but for the next 60 days or so. ADRN provides all of the items necessary for folks to get back on their feet. What they need from us is to walk with the victims through the trauma that they face as they try to get back on their feet. A phone call by a shepherd or shepherds each week asking how things are going and if there are any needs that have arisen in the past week are ways of being a shepherd to folks who are traumatized by what has happened to them. By being a shepherd, you are not being asked to do heavy lifting although a need may arise and that’s where additional shepherds come in.